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Select your version!

We offer three different versions of this consulting module:

  • Compact

  • Complete

  • Intensive

They differ in the scope of preparations, number of activities, elaboration of results and the type of collective follow-up work and documentation.


All versions of the Business consulting module have the objective setting in common, for example:

  • Finding and using new revenue potential in aftersales service

  • Optimally and successfully designing service sales

  • Checking and optimising the profitability of services rendered

  • Developing a professional price structure for goods and services

  • Checking and, if needed, adjusting current accounting models/channels

  • ...

Defining objectives, surveying and discussing the initial situation are done at the start of the project and is part of the joint preparation.

Activities and results

You can select the scope of our activities, results, follow-up work and our part in implementation with the version of the Business consulting module.


Find out all the details about our approaches by requesting our “ServiceZukunft® consulting modules” brochure. Alternatively, we would be happy to prepare an individual quote for you. Please contact us using the chat option or via our contact form.

Consulting modules

Overall Approach
Revenue & Profit
New Service World
Service Portfolio
Partner Programme
Service International
Satisfied Customers
Processes & Administration
Structure & Functions
Your Team
Transparency & KPI’s
Management Instrument